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Historical account
A. Acanthocephala not noticed until beginning of the 18th century,
not distinguished until Koelreuther (1771) proposes the name Acanthocephala
B. Muller (1776) unaware,of Koelreuther's work calls them Echinorhynchus.
C. Rudolphi (1809) formally gives them the name Acanthocephala.
D. Many species were described in the 19th century and all were placed
under one generic name- Echinorhynchus.
E. Position of Acanthocephala was very uncertain; placed among flatworms,
roundworms, chaetognatha, and finally lumped into the Aschelminthes.
F. Hyman removes Acanthocephala from the Aschelminthes making them
into a separate phylum.
Definition of the phylum- Endoparasitic, pseudocoelomate, and wormlike
Bilateria, lacking a digestive tract, with the anterior end formed into
an invaginated proboscis armed with hooks.
External features:
Body is elongated, becoming tapered at both ends, with size ranging from
1.5mm-.5m in length.
Body wall is covered with a thin epicuticle of muccopolysacchorides and
a noncelbular cuticle (1 micron or less).
Body is divided into two major regions- the presoma and the trunk.
Presoma is composed of the proboscis- a retractile organ armed with hooks
and spines, and the neck- an unarmed region posterior to the proboscis.
Trunk is the major bulk of the animal, surface may be smooth, wrinkled,
or irregularly ringed; some genera arm the trunk with spines.
Proboscis serves as an attachment organ within the hosts intestine or for
Contains alternating rows of hooks and spines in a definite pattern.
Hooks are larger structures with roots sunken deep in proboscis walls;
spines are smaller structures lacking roots.
Proboscis is invaginable and can be withdrawn into a muscular sac - the
proboscis receptacle.
Proboscis musculature-
retractors: attach to base of proboscis sheath and run posteriorly dividing
into ventral and dorsal retractors; function to withdraw proboscis into
protractor: originate in a circle at the base of neck and attach to posterior
end of sheath; function to extend proboscis out of receptacle.
Sense Organs are generally deficient and are of a tactile nature.
Proboscis contains a terminal, small pit with a nerve ending.
Male bursa and penis have genital ganglion which terminate into bulbous
or spherical sense organs.
Usually lack coloration but may appear red, orange, yellow or brown due
to absorption of food.
IV. Internal Features: cuticle, epidermis, dermis
A. Body wall made up of epicuticle, and muscle layer.
B. Syncytial epidermis is composed of three layers.
1. Thin outer layer of parallel radial fibers and pores extending into
the middle layer.
2. Middle layer of randomly arranged fibers.
3. -Very thick inner layer of radial fibers and a series of channels known
as lacunae;s without definite walls but having
C. Lacunae- fluid filled channe3 a definite pattern; thought to be
a food distributing system. Fluid moves only with body movements and system
does not connect onto any body structures. circular
D. Musculature is a syncytial fibrous network of thin outer muscles
and inner longitudinal muscles.
E. Pseudocoel is found in trunk region and slightly into presoma.
F. Inner layer epidermis extending into the trunk pseudocoel forms
a pair of projections called leignisci that act as rese~iriors for the
fluid of the lacunar system.
G. Nervous system-
1. "Brain" is a cerebral ganglionic mass located along the ventral border
of the proboscis sheath.
2. System has two main lateral nerve bundles wrapped in a muscular sheath
called a retinacula.
3. Male has two genital ganglia connected by a nerve ring.
H. Digestive system- mouth, anus, and digestive tube are completely
lacking, nutrients taken in via pores and diffusion.
I. Circulatory system is absent.
J. Excretory system consists of a mass of flame bulb protonephridia
which empty into a common sac (bladder). The bladder leads to the sperm
duct in the male and the terminal portion of the uterus in the female.
K. Reproductive system is unique in Acanthocephala because the organs
are suspended within a ligament sac.
1. Ligament sacs are hollow tubes of connective tissue w/wo muscle fibers
that run the length of the body.
a. Females have two sacs, a dorsal and a ventral.
b. Males have one sac, a dorsal enclosing the testes.
2. All are dioecious with females generally longer that males.
3. Male system:
a. Two testes, two sperm ducts that unite in the genital sheath to form
the vas deferens which ends in a muscular cup, the bursa.
b. Penis projects into the bursa which is eversible to grasp female.
c. Cement glands are present and-drain into the sperm duct.
4. Female system:
a. Fragmented ovaries are unattached in liagament sac forming free floating
ovarian balls.
b. Ligament sac ruptures when ova are ripe sending them into the pseudocoel.
c. Uterine bell uses peristaltic contractions to collect developing eggs
and pass them to the uterus.
d. Vagina is also present.
V. Reproduction:
A. Sexual:
1. Internal fertilization; male bursa is wrapped around posterior of the
females, cirrus is introduced into the gonopore, sperm migrate up the vagina,
uterus, uterine tube. Male cement glands secrete a cement plug sealing
up the gonopore preventing sperm escape.
2. Eggs develop in the pseudocoel until a larval stage provided with rostellum
and hooks is reached; hard shell forms.
3. Uterine bell contractions pass larvae to exterior.
4. Expelled eggs are highly resisitant and remain viable for months.
VI. Embryology:
A. Elliptical egg enclosed in four membranes.
B. Spiral determinate cleavage.
C. Four blastomeres are displaced due to elliptical shape.
D. Cleavage is not synchronous, stereoblastula is formed at 34 cell
stage, syncytium forms.
E. Gastrulation by in wandering of nucleii, not definite.
F. Acanthor larvae forms, development stops until ingested by proper
invertebrate host.
VII. Life cycle:
A. Vertebrate host- eggs containing partially developed acanthors are passed
out in feces and are ingested by intermediate host.
B. Intermediate host- usually an arthropod
1. Acanthor ruptures from egg, penetrates gut wall and lodges in the hemocoel.
2. Acanthor rounds up develops proboscis and loses hooks, rostellum larvae
now called acanthella.
3. Once all the features of the adult are developed the animal is termed
a cystacanth; gonads are nonfunctional.
C. Second vertebrate ingests the intermediate host, cystacanth develops
to sexual maturity in the intestine.
VIII. Ecology and Physiology:
A. Primarily anaerobic though they can survive in the presence of 02.
B. Eggs can withstand temp. of -10 to 45 degrees C. and are viable up to
three years.
C. Number of worms per host is large: 1000 in a duck intestine.
D. Reproductive capacity is high, up to 10,000,000 eggs per female.
E. Very injurious to host as proboscis hooks cause damage to intestinal
F. Glycogen stored in body wall and lacunar fluid,fatty substances deposited
in epidermis and female reproductive system (ovaries).
IX. Classification:
1. Order Archiacanthocephala- intestinal parasites of terrestial hosts
primarily birds and mammals. Invertebrate hosts are roaches and grubs.
Proboscial spines concentrically arranged, possess protonephridia
2. Order Palaeacanthocephala- parasites of fish, aquatic birds and mammals.
Invertebrate host are crustaceans. Proboscis spines in alternating radial
rows, no protonephridia.
3. Order Eoacanthocephala- parasites of fishes and reptiles. Invertebrate
host are crustaceans. Proboscis hooks are radially arranged, no protonephridia,
cement glands in male are syncytial.
X. Phylogeny:
A. Acanthocephala closegy associated to Platyhelminthes:
1. Armed proboscis found in Cestodes.
2. Body wall musculature is distinctly flatworm-like.
3. Presence of flamebulb protonephridia.
4. Embryology is strongly Cestode- like.
B. Acanthocephala closely associated to Aschelminthes.
1. Body structure, presoma + trunk, seen in many groups.
2. Superficial segmentation found in several Aschelminthe groups rotifers,priapulids.
3. Pseudocoel is present although formation is not typical.
4. Flamebulb protonephridia.
Barnes, R. 1980. Invertebrate Zoolpgy. Philadelphia:Saunders Company.
pp. 309-311.
Cheng, T. 1973· General Parasitology. New York: Academic Press.
PP· 54~5-563-
Cleave, H. 1952. Speciation and Formation of Genera in Acanthocephala.
Systematic Zoology. Vol. 1, No. 2.
Hyman, L. 1951. The Invertebrates: Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes, and
Entoprocta. Vol. 3. New York: McGraw Hill. pp.459-531.