Event Recorder Information System (ERIS)
Last updated: 960822
Wesley R. Elsberry & Diane J. Blackwood (Marine Bioacoustic Laboratory, TAMUG, 5007 Ave. U, Galveston, TX 77553 USA)
(Presented at the 1996 Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, 4 August 1996.)
The need to record concurrent behaviors from multiple focal animal follows and focal animal follows combined with human interactions drove the development of a an event recording information system (ERIS). The capabilities of this software system include simultaneous recording on two platforms with a serial link, the configuration of user-defined tokens both from menus and from a file, and the specification of a time base for recording. The system was used for analysis of acoustic recordings of lekking male Greater Prairie Chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) and videotapes of a stranded male Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis). Recording prairie chicken vocalizations required the use of user-defined tokens for quick response. Recording the correlation of dolphin behavior with human movement patterns required the capacity for multiple observer use. The use of user-defined tokens brings the issue of lexical analysis into specification of behavioral codes. A hierarchical approach to naming behavioral codes was used for the dolphin behavior project. The ERIS software is freely available.
We used ERIS in making an analysis of vocalizations of lekking male Greater Prairie Chickens (GPC) (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus Brewster). We worked from acoustic recordings made while two males were actively vocalizing, with occasional vocalizations from a third male. Tokens were defined for start and end of booms and cackles, and another for pwoiks. The time course of pwoiks was too brief to accord it a duration.
The raw timestamp/token data file was processed using a custom Perl script to extract boom and cackle durations and frequencies of interruptions. This data was imported into an Excel spreadsheet, where chi square and Freeman-Tukey deviate statistics were calculated.
We used ERIS for analyzing the movement patterns and association of vocalizations with time for a rehabilitating stranded Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis). The source was videotape taken from a monitor camera that was suspended above the recovery pool, where acoustic information from a hydrophone in the pool was recorded on an audio track of the videotape. Two observers watched the video and recorded simultaneously.
There were a wide variety of events and behaviors that we wished to record. An initial list of codes was generated. That list proved too difficult for practical use, as each token was arbitrarily named. A second list of codes was generated, this time using a hierarchical approach to naming. All vocalization codes had an initial 'S' (sound) character, all movement codes had an initial 'K' (kinetic) character, and so forth. The advantages of using a hierarchical naming system follow from the ease of remembering the complete set of codes coupled with the early-binding of timestamps. The user's first keypress for any token need only classify the broad code type, and further time for completion of the token does not influence the timestamp value.
Again, the raw timestamp/token data was processed using a custom Perl script to produce output suitable for import into an Excel spreadsheet.
We wish to thank many people for their assistance in making the research and tool production possible.
Event Recorder Information System license and warranty ------------------------------------------------------ Event Recorder Information System (ERIS) Copyright 1995 by Wesley R. Elsberry and Diane J. Blackwood This software is Citation-ware. The Event Recorder Information System is licensed for free non-commercial or research use, under the conditions that the copyright information is retained unaltered and that the program authors are recognized in any published work arising from data collected using this program. Appropriate recognition would be to cite our presentation of Event Recorder Information System. Commercial users should contact the authors concerning additional terms and conditions which apply. This program comes with NO WARRANTY. There is no expressed or implied warranty. The user assumes all risks of use. Example of citation: "Behavioral data was recorded using IBM PC compatible laptops and the Event Recorder Information System (Elsberry & Blackwood 1995). [...] Elsberry, WR, & Blackwood, DJ. 1995. Cetacean behavior event recording using multiple observers. Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (Orlando, Forida 1995)." Event Recorder Information System (ERIS) ---------------------------------------- Welcome to Event Recorder Information System, a program designed to aid in behavioral analysis using continuous recording. The first thing that one should know about any program is how to leave it, so to close any Help dialog (like this one), hit the Escape (ESC) key. To close an ERIS interface window, type Alt-F3 (hold down the ALT key, then press the third function key once). To exit the program entirely, type Alt-X. What use is an event recorder? An event recorder associates particular user inputs with a time stamp. When the user input is a representation of behavior, this allows analysis of temporal sequences of behaviors. Event recording can be used in place of a data entry sheet for time sampled behaviors, but probably is most useful for those cases where continuous recording is desired. All user entered data is stored in a plain ASCII file. The user must specify the filename before ERIS will note and store user input. For more information on behavioral analysis and alternative techniques of behavioral data acquisition, the user is directed to Martin & Bateson's "Measuring Animal Behavior" and Jean Altmann's 1974 paper on the topic. See the bibliography for details. Other event recorder programs exist, some are sold commercially. Entering Data ------------- Once the user has named a data file, Event Recorder Information System begins sending user entered data to that file. The ERIS interface has two major windows: the Control Record and the Output Record. The Control Record shows various information and status messages. The Output Record shows the data which has already been sent to the data file. Both windows are scrollable, so the user can scrollback to see previous messages or output data. As the user enters keystrokes, a string is built up. The current value of the user entered string is shown in the Control Record window. At the first keypress, the current timer time is noted and retained for storage with the eventual completed user string. With each new character, the user string is compared to the list of token values. If a match is found, then the program recognizes that a token has been entered, and performs processing according to the class of the token. While entering a string, certain characters are interpreted differently. A backspace character or a delete character will erase the last entered character in the string. The escape character will erase the entire string and prepare for a new user string to be entered, including a new time stamp. Other keys are used by the program interface for accomplishing functions. F1 - Shortcut key for online Help F3 - Shortcut key for Record to file Alt-F3 - Close the currently focussed window Alt-X - Exit ERIS immediately F6 - Move the focus to another window Backspace - When no input is currently being built, erases last data item. Recording to file ----------------- The Event Recorder Information System recognizes tokens only when a file is specified for recording times and tokens. Selecting this menu item allows the user to specify the name of the file to record data to. The default extension for these files is 'DAT'. All data is stored as separate lines of an ASCII text file. This allows for easy import into other applications for analysis of the data. To allow for erasure of the last entered input item, the latest user token is stored in memory. Entering another token causes ERIS to write the previous token to the output file. At program exit, the final user token is written to the output file. Read Configuration File ----------------------- The Event Recorder Information System can use a file containing often used tokens and log file commentary. This menu item allows the user to specify a file name of a configuration file. The configuration file is a text file which consists of lines that are examined for certain keywords and associated tokens, or for comments to be passed directly into the data file. In order for comments to be placed into the data file, the data file must be specified before the configuration file is read. Reading the configuration file before opening the data file will still set the appropriate tokens, but any log tag lines will be ignored. Currently recgonized tags: COMMENT[comments] Example: COMMENT \ use the backslash character to specify a comment EVENT [comments] Example: EVENT sw Sound Whistle vocalization STATE [comments] ERASE [comments] LOG Start Serial Link ----------------- The Event Recorder Information System program can be linked to another computer running the program to synchronize the time between the two computers. One computer provides the time for synchronization and the synchronization signal, and is called the master computer. The other computer reads the time and the signal from the master computer, and is called the slave computer. To do time synchronization, the user must first start a serial link to another computer. The serial link requires the user to select a communications port for the link. The link will not be established, however, unless a FOSSIL driver is installed to handle the selected serial port. Examples of FOSSIL drivers for IBM PC platforms include X00 and BNU, both should be available freely from SIMTEL mirror sites or many bulletin board systems across the country. These are also available for download from the Central Neural System BBS, 409-737-5222. The program prompts the user to select one of four serial ports for the link. Master Link ----------- A master computer sends time information and a synchronization signal to a slave computer via a serial link. Slave Link ---------- A slave computer receives time information and a synchronization signal sent by a master computer via a serial link. Toggle Tokens Only ------------------ "Tokens Only" constrains user input to character sequences that can lead to a token that exists in the token database. This menu item toggles between open input (both tokens and input terminated with a carriage return, the default) and closed input (tokens only, as described before). When "tokens only" is active, any character entered by the user that doesn't lead to a possible token is erased and a beep emitted. Tokens ------ The token dialog box allows the user to specify event tokens to be added to the token database. Use the tab key to move the focus to the token input line. Once the token is entered, tab to the Done button and press Enter, or click on the Done button. The Cancel button closes the dialog box. When entering tokens of differing lengths, the user must take care not to enter a longer token which starts with the same characters as comprise a shorter token. If such a case arises, ERIS always records the shorter token, and never records the longer token. For example, if the user enters "AS" as a token, any token beginning with "AS", like "ASK", will never be recorded from the user. "AS" will be recognized and recorded, then the character "K" would be considered the start of a new token being entered by the user. Time Set -------- The user can specify a time for use by the Event Recorder Information System using this option. The user is prompted to enter a time in HH:MM:SS format. Time Formats ------------ The Event Recorder Information System (ERIS) can record time information either in an hours:minutes:seconds:hundredths format or in hundredths of seconds ticks since time zero. The submenu under Options allows the user to select one or the other of these time formats. Data Safety ----------- A topic of primary concern to researchers is the safety of recorded data. The first issue to be addressed is reliability. Computer technology is not as reliable as a paper and check sheet. However, there are certain trade-offs which may make the use of a computer event recorder of more utility than the pencil and paper or audio record of events. First, the recording of behaviors which occur in close temporal succession may be possible with a computer event recorder when the same set of behaviors could not be reliably associated in time using checksheets or audio records. Second, recording behavior directly into a computer avoids one level of transcription for data analysis, and thus may eliminate some errors associated with analysis of checksheets or audio records. To make computer recording more reliable, the user should be certain that the computing platform is in good operating order. This includes being sure that sufficient disk space is available for all recording sessions planned, and that the source of computer power is reliable (either a good connection to line voltage or a well-conditioned and fully charged battery). Regular backups of all newly recorded data files should be practiced. We recommend backing up data files not less than once a day, with special emphasis on getting a second copy of new data files as soon after recording as is practical. The second issue to be addressed concerns data storage. This program writes data to a file. Data files have buffers associated with them, so written information actually goes into a buffer before it is "flushed" to disk. This means that it is possible that in certain circumstances, the last several events entered by a user may not be recorded to disk. Those circumstances include sudden loss of power to the computer. The user needs to make sure that sudden power failures or rebooting of the computer is not a commonplace event before placing excessive trust in the recording of all user input. Certain computers "feature" unfortunate placement of power-off switches, which may be pressed inadvertently. We recommend that such machines not be used for event recording. Data files on hard disk drives are generally fairly safe. However, even the most reliable of hard disks eventually will fail. Having at least one copy of data files on a backup medium (floppy, tape, removable media hard disks, recordable CD-ROM, etc.) is an absolute necessity. This precaution will also help protect data against malicious attack in the form of computer viruses, worms, or Trojan horses. We recommend the periodic use of an up-to-date anti-virus utility to lessen the risk to irreplaceable data. Your backup copies of data should be stored away from your computer, and if on magnetic media, should be kept away from any sources of stray magnetic fields (monitors, television sets, power transformers, microwave ovens, tokomaks, etc.). Data files on magnetic media also need to be periodically "refreshed". Nine-track tape has a shelf life of less than ten years, and it seems certain that most other magnetic media will have a time-to-data-errors of a similar - or lesser - duration. Having multiple backup files of important data will help reduce the chance that all the separate media will fail. Copy backup media to fresh media periodically, but probably no less often than every five years. Use copy routines that verify the copy against the original, or spot check representative copies against the original. Features of Event Recorder Information System --------------------------------------------- Currently implemented features: - Plain ASCII file output - Configuration from stored file, including addition of tokens and logging of stored comments to the data file, if it is open. - Use of tokens. This allows for flexible input schemes. The event recorder can then be used for single-key entry with defined single character tokens, or be used for entry of arbitrary length strings (up to 22 characters) when no short tokens are defined. - Early binding of time stamps. The first keypress of a token binds a time stamp value. Additional characters in the token do not change the time stamp value. - Time synchronization to arbitrary time. This allows synchronization of time values to an external event source, like a videotape or audio tape. - Serial link between two computers for time synchronization. - Time synchronization across two computers. This allows for multiple observer event recording from the same behavior stream. - Records time in either HH:MM:SS:CC format or hundredths of seconds since time zero. - Short beep when a token is recognized (either through token lookup or by pressing the Enter key). The beep can be disabled through the Options menu. - "Tokens only" or "Closed world" operation -- accepts only that input which can lead to a token already in the token database. This is by default off, but can be toggled in the Options menu. This is useful for those situations in which a standard configuration file has been established for use among several observers. Wishlist of future features (if we get time): + NMEA 0183 GPS data support. The routines are in place in other programs of ours, we just need to apply them here. + Menu item to add current or user supplied date to data file. + Specification of configuration file in command line. + Game port support, with definable triggers on button presses and time sampling of A/D values. Some useful and inexpensive items which can be interfaced through the game port include thermistors for temperature recording and CDS cells for light level recording. + Interval timer support for use in instantaneous sampling with user supplied intervals. + Window to display current tokens. + Switch to Quicksort or Shellsort for token database. + User specification of separator string between time stamp and token or comment. + Use of real-time clock, if available, for checking system time in extended sessions. Got a suggestion or bug report? Contact the authors. Event Recorder Information System authors and consultation info --------------------------------------------------------------- The Event Recorder Information System is written by Wesley R. Elsberry and Diane J. Blackwood. We are students in the Ph.D. program in the Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University. The program arose from work which we conducted on behavioral research concerning Greater Prairie Chickens and Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. Diane J. Blackwood has an educational background including a BS Zoology, a BS Electrical Engineering, and an MS Biomedical Engineering. Her work experience includes hyperbaric medicince, software design and implementation, human factors analysis, and database design. Wesley R. Elsberry has an educational background including a BS Zoology and an MSCS Computer Science. His work experience includes professional photography, hyperbaric medicine, laboratory technology, statistical consulting, database programming, and software design and implementation. Both Diane and Wesley have a long term interest in falconry and raptor conservation. Contact information (950912): Wesley R. Elsberry & Diane J. Blackwood 5007 Ave U TAMUG Marine Bioacoustics Laboratory Galveston, TX 77553 409-740-4958 office voice 409-740-5001 MARB fax welsberr@orca.tamu.edu djb9895@tam2000.tamu.edu http://www.rtis.com/nat/user/elsberry http://http.tamu.edu/~djb9895 We can arrange for paid consultation on issues of applying event recording to specific circumstances. In certain cases, we may be able to provide customized versions of the Event Recorder program to meet particular needs. Additional peripheral devices could be supported by custom versions of the Event Recorder Information System, providing for automated timed data acquisition from such peripherals while retaining capabilities of recording concurrent user input through the keyboard. In general, the client will have to provide the peripheral device in question and arrange scheduling and custom programming fees. The fact that our tortoiseshell cat is also named Eris is, as far as we know, a complete coincidence. Bibliography ------------ Altmann, J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour 49:227-267. (A classic review of methods in the recording of behavior.) Elsberry, WR, & Blackwood, DJ. 1995. Cetacean behavior event recording using multiple observers. Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Orlando, FL. (The original presentation of the Event Recorder Information System.) Martin, P, & Bateson, P. 1986. Measuring Behavior: An Introductory Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (The standard text for a complete overview of the theory, principles, and methods of recording and analyzing behavior.) Noldus, LPJJ. 1991. The Observer: a software system for collection and analysis of observational data. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 23(3):415-429. (A description of principles of computer based event recording and a specific commercially available software package which supports event recording on multiple computer platforms and which also provides some data analysis capabilities.) Unwin, DM, & Martin, P. 1987. Recording behaviour using a portable microcomputer. Behaviour 101:87-100. (Description of a system for recording behavior using a portable computer and a desktop host computer.)